Asia and Oceania
The Asian continent is home to 60% of the world’s population, with more than 4.5 billion people living in 49 different nations. It is the fastest growing economic region in the world, with an accumulated US$4 trillion of foreign exchange reserves. The huge markets of China and India offer unparalleled opportunities, as do the smaller – but expanding – economies of Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Thailand and Pakistan. Manufacturing, hi-tech, financial services and biotechnology are all huge growth areas in the region, and present incredible opportunities to investors and businesses alike.
Countries in Asia and Oceania
Wealth is most highly concentrated in China, Japan, Hong Kong, South Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan, as well as in the oil-rich countries of Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman and Kuwait. South Korea and Taiwan, along with many other Asian countries, have sophisticated heavy-industry and electrical manufacturing industries. Hong Kong has a huge financial industry, whilst the fast-growing economies of China and India offer a wealth of opportunity in manufacturing, commodities, outsourcing and computer software, respectively.
Russian Federation
The Asian continent is home to 60% of the world’s population, with more than 4.5 billion people living in 49 different nations.
Companies Investing in Asia and Oceania
Many funds are turning their attention to Asia-Pacific, believing the time is ripe to invest in its rapidly growing economy. GDP in the overall region rose by 5% in 2017, and the expected outlook for 2018 is rosy. Industry in particular is a greatly developing field. Investors will also want to concentrate on Japan, as the Nikkei Stock Average is rising fast and the Japanese economy is enjoying a period of strength. China presents great opportunities as well, as the Chinese government announce plans to focus on growth over the next three years.
DMG Mori Seiki Co.
Daiwa Asset Management Co.
Kickstart Ventures
Venture Capital Bank (VCBank)
CyberAgent Ventures
Multiples PE
Pitango Venture Capital
Ventech China
YJ Capital
Many funds are turning their attention to Asia and Oceania, believing the time is ripe to invest in its rapidly growing economy.
Investors with Interest in Asia and Oceania
Investors with interest in Asia Pacific are spoiled for choice, as it offers so much opportunity. Its three biggest sectors are natural resources, manufacturing and software. Natural resources abound in the former Soviet Union, which is rich in metals like gold, iron and lead. Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Kuwait are rich in oil reserves. The manufacturing sector is strongest in East Asia – particularly in manufacturing of cheap, low-value goods and sophisticated, high-tech products. India has emerged as one of the world’s largest exporters of software and information technology services. With so much choice, the region truly offers something for everyone.
Brett Mason
Fadi Ghandour
Baldo Sanso
Azim Premji
Abhishek Bhatewara
Yuri Milner
Praveen Gupta
Eytan Stibbe
Investors with interest in Asia and Oceania are spoiled for choice, as it offers so much opportunity. Its three biggest sectors are natural resources, manufacturing and software.
Featured Stories from Asia and Oceania
Read our featured stories from around Asia Pacific, and discover the latest investment developments and trends that may help shape your view of the region.